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    General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine conducted a random inspection of wire and cable product quality in 2017 with a sample failure rate of 13%
    发布时间:2018-02-28 13:58:35 点击次数:1066

    On January 26, 2018, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China promulgated the "Circular on the Special Inspection of State Supervision of Wire and Cable Products Quality in 2017 by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine". According to the report, of the 902 wire and cable manufacturing companies that actually sampled and tested, 783 batches of products of 783 companies were qualified, and the qualified rate of product spot checks was 87.0%; 117 batches of products produced by 117 companies were unqualified. The rate of detection of unqualified products was 13.0%; two other batches of products from 2 companies were being further processed. It is reported that the spot inspection, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, according to the "Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China" provisions and special rectification work of wire and cable deployment, from more than 7,000 wire and cable manufacturing enterprises nationwide randomly selected 1,400 companies, covering the country 28 Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities).


    272 companies failed to collect samples due to closures, conversions, cancellation of business licenses, suspension of production, etc.; there are 226 companies exporting their products for production, failing to meet the sampling base, not having recently produced inventory products, and changing their addresses. Or relocation or other reasons have not been sampled. Therefore, the spot inspection is actually 902 batches of products produced by 902 companies. The inspection projects included 28 projects in five dimensions: structural dimensions, electrical properties, mechanical and physical properties, finished cable performance, and fire-retardant and fire-resistant properties.

    According to the company's production scale, large-, medium-, and small-sized enterprises that have taken spot checks accounted for 11.1%, 53.1%, and 35.8% of the total number of spot checks, and the qualified rate for product spot checks was 91.0%, 86.0%, and 87.3%, respectively. The products of large enterprises were qualified. The rate is significantly higher.

    According to the type of product selected for spot check, 102 batches of fire-retardant (refractory) cables were sampled, accounting for 11.3% of the total number of batch inspections; 366 batches of cross-linked cables accounted for 11.3% of the total batch inspections; 432 batches of ordinary cables. It accounted for 48.0% of the total batch inspections. The qualified rate of product inspection was 76.5%, 81.1% and 94.4%, respectively, and the pass rate of ordinary cables was obviously higher.

    It is reported that this round of random inspections first increased the coverage of spot checks. Not only has the sampling range covered products produced by companies in 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, and the number of batches has increased by a factor of three compared to the quarterly sample inspections in 2016; it has also increased the coverage of product inspections, and spot checks include flame-retardant (refractory) cables and cross-linked products. Cable and general cable 3 categories.

    Second, this round of random inspections has increased the frequency of follow-up inspections. The special spot checks tracked 88 production companies that failed to pass the nationwide chain inspection of wire and cable and quarterly spot checks in 2016, and actually collected 60 companies. Of these, 54 companies passed spot checks, and 6 enterprises failed spot checks for two consecutive years.

    Finally, this round of spot checks was highlighted and spot checks were conducted on the concentrated areas of wire and cable production. Focusing on spot checks of products from industrial clusters such as Anhui, Jiangsu, Hebei, Zhejiang, and Guangdong, a total of 555 batches were spot-checked, and the number of sampling inspections accounted for 61.7% of the total number of spot checks.

    The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine requested that, in light of the problems found in this special spot check, provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) quality and technical supervision bureaus (market supervision and management departments) must follow the "People's Republic of China Product Quality Law" and "Administrative Measures on Product Quality Supervision and Spot Checking" " The provisions of laws and regulations, such as the State Administration of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection of Post-processing Work of Non-Qualified Product Manufacturing Enterprises, fully implement the requirements of the State Council for the special rectification of wire and cable products throughout the country, and do a good job of post-processing.
