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    China National Nuclear Power Corporation plans energy saving and environmental protection business to promote transformation and upgrading
    发布时间:2018-03-01 13:00:27 点击次数:1008

    Recently, Power Construction Nuclear Power held a working meeting for the energy saving and environmental protection sector in 2018 to summarize achievements, define goals, streamline ideas, and deploy work, and work together to continuously promote the company's energy conservation and environmental protection business development, enhance the company's development potential, and promote comprehensive transformation. upgrade.

    The meeting first learned to convey the spirit of the first session of the Staff Representative Conference of the company and the 2018 work conference. Zhang Zhong, general manager of the energy conservation and environmental protection section, summed up the work in 2017 and made detailed arrangements for the work goals and key tasks in 2018. He signed the 2018 performance assessment responsibility book and safety production responsibility book with the project managers of each area. During the meeting, a project manager symposium was also held.

    The meeting fully affirmed the achievements made by the energy conservation and environmental protection sector in 2017, and in-depthly analyzed the situation and challenges faced by the production and management work. It requires all employees to accurately grasp the situation in 2018, earnestly enhance their sense of mission and urgency, and carry out in-depth development. The “Quality and Efficiency Year” campaign calmly responded to various difficulties and challenges, pioneered and forged ahead, ensured the completion of the annual work goals, and promoted the sustained and rapid development of energy conservation and environmental protection businesses. The company plans energy conservation and environmental protection business from six aspects to promote the transformation and upgrading: First, establish a development concept for everyone, maintain a good market area, and actively expand the biological power generation, waste incineration power generation, waste heat power generation, coal to power, ultra-low emission reform, overhaul technology Operational market for operation and maintenance, coal mine closure, sewage treatment, etc.; secondly, carry out “Quality and Efficiency Year” activities in depth, strengthen coordination among units, use professional thinking and literacy methods, realize full-process management and control of the whole process, and study contractual terms with full force. Do a good job in project visa claims, realize the second three developments, and take effective measures to continue to increase the two gold clean-ups; the third is to combine the requirements of the owners and the company, conscientiously do a good job in the five plans for the project, pay attention to technical and economic analysis, and be familiar with the optimization of the organizational model, Select high-quality cooperative units, strengthen personnel organization and internal and external communication, and strengthen production performance; Fourth, strengthen the implementation of safety responsibility system, one level is responsible for one level, all personnel participate in safety management, and personnel training, supervision and inspection, hidden danger management, assessment, etc. Pragmatically strengthen safety management to ensure that company safety production is controlled; Work ideas, improve management and implementation capabilities, study and implement the spirit of the party's Nineteenth Congress and the working spirit of the group company's work style of building a clean and honest government, and be loyal to the integrity of the enterprise; Sixth, vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening human resources, supervise and promote qualified employees to actively obtain various types of work Professional qualification certificates and reporting titles, focusing on team building, caring about staff life, and improving team cohesion.
